As modern women, lifestyle, eating habits and environmental factors, new physiological characteristics of female corresponding to these changes emerge. All these provide a breeding ground for the incidence of breast cancer for the following 10 groups of people:
1, breast hyperplasia has been unhealed for many years
Mammary gland hyperplasia is a chronic disease. Although not every case will be malignant breast hyperplasia, there are many links between the two. It is suggested that people fallen in this group need to actively care and treat their breasts.
Tip: Breast hyperplasia patients, who are older and have longer history and larger mass, and the relationship between tumor and menstruation is not obvious, are prone to malignant transformation. In the view of possible malignant breast hyperplasia, it is recommended to improve condition as soon as possible and not delay.
2, repeated abortion surgery
Many women do ask their doctors before flow: how will flow effect on the body? But they generally merely consider physical injury and pain, and do not recognize the insignificant impact of hormonal changes in the body.
3, regular us hormone drugs or cosmetics
Studies have shown that: misuse of health care products containing estrogens may cause breast cancer.
4, there is a family history of breast cancer, regardless the genetic causes and environmental factors
Each of us is on an outstretched branch of his huge FAMILYTREE, which means the health condition of tree trunk will, in varying degrees, affect our future.
5, no breast-feeding or breast-feeding too long
6, obesity or excessive intake of fat
7, mental depression, often angry, or in bad mood
8, long-term exposure to various radiation (computers, mobile phones, etc.)
9, celibacy and without sterile or long time infertile after marriage
10, menarche comes before age 13 or late menopause
In the modern world, new life style leads to new female physiological phenomena, such as early menarche, delayed menopause, infertility and childbearing, etc. which has greatly increased the incidence of breast cancer. Epidemiological studies have shown that children are now nutrient-rich and supplements abusing. Therefore, they universally have early menstruation. Some women try to delay menopause by extension of human puberty. All these cases force the breasts are affected by estrogen too long. In addition, celibacy, short marriage, multiple sex partners, as well as having her first baby older than 30 years old, female patients with breast hyperplasia increased. Although breast hyperplasia is not cancer, it is likely to turn into breast cancer after a long term.
Therefore, breast disease experts remind: Understanding breast health knowledge, changing lifestyles, and curing breast hyperplasia, are the best methods to block breast cancer precancerous lesions and prevent breast cancer.