Thursday, February 11, 2010

Great events for small fetus-1

From a tiny fertilized egg, to a lovely baby, life, what will be the magical experience?

1 Although only one sperm can fertilize an egg, there will be about 100,000 sperm swim into the cervix together, to prepare for the formation of embryos.

2 sperm "broke" the egg to form a fertilized egg -------- the time required to make your pregnancy is approximately 24 hours.

3 The chance of the formation of twins is 2%. If a sperm and an egg, and then split into two fertilized eggs, it will produce monozygotic twins-identical twins. If two different eggs and sperm were combined, they produce dizygotic twins. Dizygotic twins with a family history, whereas monozygotic twins is a random phenomenon.

4 of pregnancy at 4 weeks, the fetus only looks like a poppy seed.

5 Baby’s sex is depending on your partner. All eggs only have the X chromosome, while sperm can have an X or Y chromosome is. If the sperm with an X chromosome with the egg, then you will give birth to daughters; if the sperm with the Y chromosome with the egg, you will have a son.

6 of pregnancy at 6 weeks, the fetus had a heartbeat. But the size only likes a lentils.

7 Feel tight pants, right? 6 weeks pregnant, your uterus has already become the apple size from the size of plum.

8 to 7-week pregnancy, the fetus already has three distinct brain areas, which is the basis of all the acts and ideas in the future.

Forebrain: responsible for problem solving, reasoning and memory.

Middle brain: to guide the corresponding brain region to respond to stimulation on the body.

Rear Brain: Control physical activities, such as breathing, heartbeat and muscle movement.

9 Sequence of development of fetal activity:

7 weeks: she began beating the clumsy.

8 weeks: she can bend wrist of the (yes, she has a wrist!).

10 weeks: she has learned to swallow and kick.

12 weeks: Fetal lungs began to try breathing exercises.

16 weeks: she can grasp the umbilical cord.

18 weeks: Many first-time mothers began to feel fetal movement.

20 weeks: the most active period of fetus, stretching, flipping, somersaults ... ...

30 weeks: amniotic fluid volume started to decrease, so does a buffer that reduces the activities of the fetus, mother felt that fetal movement can be more evident.

32 weeks: Because of narrow space, and fetal activity frequency and amplitude are reduced.

35 weeks: fetal position in the womb (ie, fetal position) is unlikely to change.

10 pregnant 8 weeks, she has officially become the fetus, DON’T FORGET TO CELEBRATE!

11 If in the pre-natal check, the fetus heartbeat can be heard, then the chance of miscarriage is reduced to only 2%.

12 from a tadpole-liked fertilized egg to a human-liked fetus only take two weeks!

13 to 10 weeks of pregnancy when the fetus is only a pea-pod size, but she has been able to distinguish the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, limbs, and even the rudiments of fingers and toes.

14 tiny fingernails and deciduous teeth protruding appeared to 10 weeks pregnant

15 If you can observe the fetus sucking thumb, then which hand is the favorite from 10 weeks of pregnancy will be able to see the future she will be a right-handed or left-handed. Belfast University conducted a study to show that: In the 12-year-old children, who liked to suck their right thumbs in the womb are accustomed to using right-handed, but who had their left thumb in the womb, there is 2/3 chance they are left-handed.

16 pregnant 10 weeks, the fetus has been able to respond to the touch. If you poke the stomach, she will be twisted to escape - but you do feel nothing.

17 Fetal heart rate is 110 ~ 160 times per minute, that was about twice the speed of your heart.

18 all the major organs - heart, lung, kidney, brain and gut - into the development of at least 10 weeks have been formed and fully developed. Now all the remaining task of the fetus to grow up.

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