Friday, February 12, 2010

Deal with infants eczema

Eczema is a common disease of infancy, medically known as allergic skin disease. Cause of this disease is complex, internal factors mainly related to the stratum corneum is thinner, and capillary network is developed, skin is rich in water and chloride endothelium, skin is sensitive to stimuli. When the baby touch the woolen goods or obtained mechanical friction, inhalation of dust or eat milk, eggs, fish, shrimp, beef and mutton and other allergenic substances, or use a strong alkaline soap lotion to wash, they will get sick.

Rush often starts from 2nd month. Most eczema appears in the cheek, zygomatic, eyebrows and forehead. In severe cases the trunk and limbs will appear. Initially, two cheek start itching and flushing, children often turn his head or clutch friction and scratch, and soon there are erythema, small grain-like papules, then into a herpes, blister broken out with yellow liquid, formed dry yellow crusts; eczema have also dry type, on small papules there is a small amount of white bran-like desquamation. Either way, eczema, there is intense itching, therefore, children are often irritable and crying, anxiety, appetite and sleep were affected. Excessive scratching can also cause skin infection and local lymph nodes, in these cases parents should promptly bring the child to the hospital. If there is no secondary infection, eczema is not danger, but often due to sunlight, ultraviolet light, heat and humidity, and other physical factors that would lead to sicker. But because the symptoms often recurrent, parents often very worried, in fact, the majority of infants with eczema may be self-healing, and only a small number of unhealed and protracted delays in the early childhood or childhood. Therefore, parents of infants with eczema do not have to be too worried, as long as the home-based care to learn how to help children through such a period.

1. Try to find out and to avoid touch allergens. You can check whether your children is food allergies, especially milk, breast milk or egg and other animal protein; and check whether the mother’s breast-feeding after having fish, shrimp, crab and other animal foods leads to baby eczema increase, if so, will have to try to avoid eating these foods.

2. Avoid to touch irritating substances, do not use alkaline soap to wash the skin, do not use cosmetics, perfumes, do not wash affected area with hot water, bath should not be too frequent.

3. Room temperature should not be too high, do not let the eczema directly exposed under sunlight, otherwise it will aggravate eczema itching. Baby’s clothes should be more lenient, not too thick too tight, 100% cotton clothing is best.

4. The room to keep the air and keep clean and avoid dust to stimulate the skin.

5. Infantile eczema treatment should be under the guidance of a dermatologist, parents must not misuse of antibiotics. Can take medicine such as chlorpheniramine, and calcium gluconate to reduce skin allergy.

6. During eczema period, do not to do immunization and BCG vaccination, avoid contact with patients with herpes simplex in order to avoid eczema herpeticum.

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